

This page explains how our font families are used across communications and our main applications: See, Buy, and Use.


Web font scale

If using type for designing a website, please refer to DWG type guidelines for details and specifications. The information in the below section serves as general guidance.


Use Sharp Grotesk 23 Book for section and page headlines. These headline styles are for Buy communications only.

Typography Buy WebTypescale SharpGrotesk


Use Atlas Grotesk Medium and Atlas Grotesk Regular for body copy. These text styles are also appropriate in Use communications. There are two different ways to use them:

  • Label styles are used for subheads and short descriptions that don’t exceed three lines of text. The line-height is optimized for compact layouts such as tiles.

  • Paragraph styles are used for long-form content that is expected to exceed three lines of text. The line-height is optimized for multi-line reading.

Typography Buy WebTypescale AtlasGrotesk

Label styles have a condensed line-height while paragraph styles have a more generous line-height


Combining font styles

When Sharp Grotesk and Atlas Grotesk are combined in a layout, there are two options:

  1. Headline is at the top of the plane, and body copy is at the bottom. Both are flush left.

  2. Headline and body copy are centered together in the plane. This layout is typically used for a section heading.

Combining font styles and buttons

When Sharp Grotesk and Atlas Grotesk appear with a CTA button, the headline and body copy are flush left at the top of the plane. The button appears at the bottom of the plane, and its left edge is aligned with the text that appears above. The CTA is Atlas Grotesk Medium and has a 32px margin on all sides. See DWG Buttons for more information.

Font pairings

Typography Buy WebTypePairing

Headline and subhead

Typography Buy WebTypePairing Eyebrow

Headline with eyebrow

Putting it together

Colored plane and photo

Typography Buy Putting it together - 9

Plans page

Typography Buy Putting it together - 10

How to use font styles for more-detailed layouts.

Long-form text

Typography Buy Putting it together - 11

How to use font styles for editorial text.

Align text blocks using the same simple subdivisions as planes and content

For more on how to divide a page, see Layout and planes.

Typography Buy Putting it together - 12


Typography Buy Dont use more than one headline in a module

Don’t use more than one headline in a module.

Typography Buy Dont overfill plane

Don’t overwhelm a plane with text.

Typography Buy Dont right align text

Don’t right-align the text.

Typography Buy Dont use sharp for body copy

Don’t use Sharp Grotesk for body copy.

Typography Buy Dont use other weights and widths of sharp

Don’t use weights and widths other than Sharp Grotesk 23 Book and Sharp Grotesk 20 Book.